Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5th, 2012 - JJ

1. Emily and Jake for hosting a 4th of July get together yesterday! So much food was eaten and in such good company!!
2. That I got to see Erica yesterday! It seems like it's been forever since I saw her last, so it was nice to see her happy, smiling face! Erica is one of those people that it's impossible not to be happy around. She's just got happiness pouring out of her!
3. That it's already Thursday. Just one more work day till the weekend!
4. The delicious bacon fried corn recipe that Tammy gave us. Derick made it yesterday and it is so good! I can't wait to eat the left overs with lunch!
5. Independence Day, the movie, which we watched last night while putting party invitations together.  I hadn't seen it in years and had forgotten how great it is. :)

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