Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3rd - Heather

1. Train trips. I love riding the train, and I love that the train is so inexpensive and fast between Milwaukee and Chicago! Makes me want to take another cross-country trip on Amtrak...

2. The French Market at the Oglivie (that's so not spelled right...I can't pronounce it, I can't spell's the Metra station a few blocks north of Chicago's Union Station on Clinton). I had stopped in once before...but had never made it past the macarons. Well I walked all the way in today and was instantly overwhelmed! I thought it was just this little market that extended away from Vanille Patisterie and ended. Oh, no, it's a much bigger thing. As I walked past Vanille and the fresh produce, three aisles of wonderful food began to unfold before me. So I got some Indian food from one vendor, a cup of coffee from another and wound my way around taking it all in. And, of course, I had to get a tube of macarons on my way out!

3. The strangers willing to point me in the right direction while I was trying to find the French Market! I thought it was much closer to the Amtrak boarding gates than it was....but it was worth every step. I ended up following two different tracks over to it...I couldn't help but think of platform 9 & 3/4!!!

4. The reminder that I've lost my city feet in the last three years...which served as a renewed motivation to reacquire them! I know I'm at my heaviest living in the land of deep fried food...but moving around in Chicago reminded me of all the walking I did in DC. I need to work that movement back into my life.

5. E-tickets and the Amtrak app....I bought my ticket on my iPad and provided my ticket to the conductor paperlessly through the app! Gotta love technology!

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