Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 23rd, 2013 - JJ

1. That Derick has been cooking so much lately. We've had some really amazing meals over the last few weeks and it's been really nice to be able to relax while someone else does the work of making food. :) 

2. Pinterest, for providing me with an awesome recipe for zucchini lasagna. Derick LOVED it. Probably because I used Cindy Townley's super rich meat sauce in it, but I'm still impressed that he liked a dish that substituted veggies in place of pasta. Also, it made a ton so we have left overs forever!

3. For the e-mail I got from Jess the other day. Made me smile.

4. That many of you notice when I get behind on these e-mails and prompt me to keep writing them. :) 

5. For my new computer. It's pretty amazing and honestly, long long overdue! I wrote this on facebook this morning, but it downloaded over 1000 pictures from my camera in less than 3 minutes. That's crazy!!  

6. For friends that I can talk about frozen boogers with. :) 

7. That Ripley is able to stay for almost 4 minutes now. We're up from less than 30 seconds, so that's pretty great! Now we just have to work on finishing this potty training business and she'll be the perfect dog!

8. For our neighborhood Dog Pack for always wearing Ripley out. Also thankful for everyone's parents/caregivers for being willing to bring the dogs out for at least half an hour even in the crazy cold weather we've been having. 

9. For my new job, which is very flexible and pretty awesome so far. Although I really miss my ladies at ICPN!

10. That we get to go home for the Super Bowl Party!!  I'm so excited! I've been missing it ever since I moved away. Can't wait!!

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