1. Computerized countdowns. Like this one that tells me just how many days until Downton Abby starts! :)
2. That tickets are already on sale for Breaking Dawn. Also thankful for mom putting in for a vacation day so that we can go to a midnight showing without me having to feel guilty about her going to work on no sleep the next day! :)
3. Next week is fall break...2 days off from class and work...which also roughly speaking means the midpoint of the semester!
4. I'm getting closer to a thesis topic! I'm not there yet, but I have a couple of solid ideas. I start my thesis core in January! How scary is that!
5. A good hair day. That may sound trivial...but my hair and I don't always see eye to eye.
6. That my kitten, Alice has taken to curling up in my bed for the night....and that I'm learning to actually sleep with her there!
7. Coffee...even bad coffee is good when absolutely necessary!
8. The beautiful fall leaves that my boss pinned to my white board after I left work last night. They have this beautiful pink/orange glow to them.
9. Lunch at ABP with my coworker Jodi. It's a nice walk from our offices and the fall weather was cool and crisp. Just so pleasant. And as a bonus...as a good friend she kept me away from all of the sweet treats while we were getting our lunches!
10. I get to meet Ripley this weekend after JJ and Derick pick her up! I get to see them too! So excited!
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