1. For the delicious gelato that Heather & Kathy brought for us from Wisconsin. They packed it in an insulated lunch box with a ton of ice packs and it miraculously didn't melt too much before they made it to Chicago! The stuff is delicious. It's the Talenti brand and we got chocolate peanut butter, banana chocolate swirl, and best of all: salted caramel!!!! So amazing. I ate gelato for dinner Wednesday night after a long, long day at work and that combined with puppy and husband snuggles made everything ok in my world. :)
2. It's FRIDAY! Better yet, it's pay day! Best of all, I get to pick my parents up from the airport this evening and hang out with them all weekend! Can't wait!
3. The fancy new bed stuff we bought with some of our wedding money. Haven't put it on the bed yet, but it's going to look amazing! I'm pretty excited to have our bedroom look and feel like grown up bedroom again!
4. That Ripley did so well yesterday when I took her with me to get the oil changed and the tires rotated in my (parents') car. Also thankful that the people at the dealership were ok with me taking her into the waiting area so we didn't have to spend the hour and a half walking around outside in the cold and wind. Everyone loved her and complimented me on how well behaved and beautiful she is. Then we went home and she terrorized Allagash and peed on the floor. Can't win 'em all, I guess!
5. That this morning David told me that I'm an Sd for fantasy novels after he made a vaugue reference to the eagles in The Lord of the Rings (basically being in my presence makes him think of fantasy novels more frequently than normal). The conversation went as follows, Me: "wow, those dark clouds over there make it look like we're heading to Doom!" David: "Well I hope the eagles are on their way already..." I realize this is geeky, but I love it. I hope I will always be the kind of person that brings good fantasy novels to mind for people. :)
6. Coffee. Can't live without it!!!
7. For the homemade chicken jerky that Tammy gave us. Ripley LOVES it and surprisingly, so does Allagash! I've had to hide it so Allagash won't try to eat it through the bag.
8. Pumpkin everything. Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin mochas, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin scones, pumpkin air freshener, etc. I love it all!
9. The hilarious conversations that happen in our office now that we have two sarcastic interns and Jen on our team. Lots of inappropriate humor, and I don't think I could get through office time without it. :)
10. Flexibility at work. I can't be thankful for it enough! I love that I can work from home when I need to, and that I can always go home in the middle of the day to let Ripley out. It's pretty amazing.
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