Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25th - Heather

1.  I'm thankful for the very unexpected email that I received this afternoon...even though it has me second guessing my very tenuous life plan that I've only just settled into and made peace with.  I was the type of person who had her whole life planned out before I entered college and stuck to that plan all through college (then decided I didn't want to be a lawyer any more).  I went about life without a plan for so long that making those decisions was slightly uncomfortable, albeit necessary.  Now I'm having to ask myself some tough questions all over again. 

2.  The new case I just bought for my's pink and padded and zips up nicely.  It will make holding my kindle to read a little nicer too.  :)  I have a great utilitarian carry-case that I love, but this will be great when I'm just reading for leisure.

3.  I'm officially on vacation!  Let the cleaning begin!!!!  I have a very full week of organizing and cleaning out ahead of me!  I want to get my space ready to be study efficient!  We'll see how many trips to the Goodwill that takes!

4.  That the kitty procedures went well....we still don't get to pick them up until Sunday, but they are doing well.  We had Edward neutered and microchipped and had both of them declawed (front paws only) using the laser process which is supposed to be less painful for them.  No bandages!  And no pain!  Win-win!!!

5.  Minnibons at's like the big ones...but smaller....less guilt...makes the extra frosting go farther!!!!  Heehee! 

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