Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18th - Heather

1.  All of my friends that have ever had the fortune/misfortune of eating my cooking!  I posted a comment about my favorite thing to cook when I'm blue...which is totally my enchiladas....and it made me think of all the people that I've cooked for....not always with the best outcomes but always to rave reviews!!!!  I have some of the best friends and family!   Some of you will read this and remember enchiladas on the roof of an apartment building overlooking the tops of the DC skyline...the first time I made enchiladas and I was totally faking it, but they came out amazing!  Some of you will read this and remember when I ignited a fire in the oven baking Pillsbury breadsticks...yes a fire with flames in an electric oven....never a good sign!

2.  Not only am I thankful for the persons who have endured my cooking over the years...I'm very thankful that my skills have evolved and I'm a fairly decent cook now.  I'm still pretty hopeless with recipes...but I can whip up some tasty meals with some random ingredients!!!

3.  Planning a trip abroad...even when it's nothing more than daydreaming.  I'm researching details for a trip that may or may not happen next summer and I just love the unadulterated excited that comes, for me, of thinking about traveling abroad!

4.  My leftover salad and bread from dinner last's even tasty without the wine! :)  Sometimes left over salad is questionable...but this is still in good shape and the bread is like a big salty soft pretzel.  Yum!  The only downfall to this is that I've eaten them before "lunch time" and am now going to be hungry sooner than is desirable!

5.  This early lunch leaves room for a yummy indulgence this afternoon.....I think I'll be wandering down to see what caloric trouble awaits at Au Bon Pain today! :)

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