1. That I had a day off of work yesterday. It was amazing! I stayed in bed until 11am reading and snuggling with Muffin and Allagash (with the exception of a short conference call at 9am) and talking to Megan Noon on the phone, then I got up and had coffee and breakfast while watching Game of Thrones. Then the fun stopped and I cleaned the house for the rest of the day. Cleaning aside, it was amazing to stay in pajamas all day and not be constantly responding to e-mails/phone calls while trying to catch up on paperwork.
2. That I made a side of sauteed veggies that Derick ate with dinner last night. He didn't eat the full amount that I gave him, but he ate so many and said he'd eat it again if I made it in the future! Granted, I cooked the veggies in bacon fat and mixed some bacon in, but still!
3. Dunkin Donuts pumpkin coffee. Less expensive than a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, and the Dunkin Donuts near my client's house this morning had a drive through while the Starbucks didn't. WIN!
4. The warm sweater I keep at the office. Very necessary on days like today when my office feels like the North Pole.
5. That they're keeping Rachel Barry's character on Glee this season even though she graduated. At first I was upset because Glee should be about a highschool Glee club, not about characters that have graduated, but her voice is so amazing that I am thankful to have it in my life on an almost weekly basis. She gives me goosebumps!
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