1. A new blogging tool to be enthralled with!!! Blogsy is a multi-platform blogging app for the iPad. I think I like it! This is my first post, so we'll see how it goes!
2. The conference hotel that I'll be staying at in Portland allows pets....which means one of my Twi-kitties may be making his first trip to the Pacific Northwest in a few weeks!
3. Movie night with momma...ok that's really only funny if you've seen New Moon and hear "movie night with Bella" in your head as you read it! Magic Mike is a good mother-daughter movie, right? Ok, maybe only for me and my sister-mother!
4. The TED app for iPad....I was up quite late watching inspiration videos....not that kind of inspiration. If you aren't familiar with TED Talks go to TED: Ideas worth spreading. Here are the videos I currently have bookmarked: Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education | Video on TED.com; Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on TED.com; Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on TED.com.
5. Hearing the words "I love your five things!". I saw a colleague on campus this morning and that's one of the first things she said to me. It's so gratifying to know that you're out there taking time out of your hectic days to read about the things in my life that I'm thankful for. Those five little words encourage me to make sure I make the time to post every day!
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