1. Half Price Books! More specifically, I'm thankful for the extreme rarity of coupons for HPB! This is thankful with just a hint of self congratulating! I sold back the random text books in college that I was never inclined to reopen. But generally speaking, I'm a book hoarder. I finally sat down, inspired by my Christmas Kindle, to sell back some books. Two boxes of books later.....and yes, my shelves are still quite full....I went to HPB with a 50% off coupon in hand! I was very proud of myself, I walked in with two boxes of books and walked out with only two new books and some cash! I didn't spend everything they offered me for my books. The experience did make me miss Third Place Books in Seattle...but overall a very successful outing!
2. Of course, the next thing I'm thankful for is going to be the books that I just so recently acquired! The first is The Stuff of Thought by Steven Pinker and the other is A Year in the World by Frances Mayes. I love knowing that if I can't physically travel the world then at least I can metaphysically travel the world through such great writing as A Year in the World....it may be a detriment to my productivity until I've finished it. My last vicarious vacation was with The Lost Girls and it, just as a true vacation, was over too soon!
3. I am thankful for 366 Random Acts of Kindness. It reminds me of how loving and truly decent people can be! It also reminds me that I have much to be thankful for and the many ways that I can do more to give back to the communities in which I live!
4. I'm thankful to be in the position of feeling like I have more vacation time than I know what to do with. In my current position I earn 4 weeks of vacation at the beginning of each fiscal year (July). So here it is the end of March and I still have three weeks of vacation time to take! It really is a good problem to have, but none the less getting it all scheduled is only half the battle...here's to hoping that I get to spend some pleasant away from work time on these upcoming vacation days....I may even power down all of my electronic devices for an extended period of time! Oh my! What a thought!?!
5. This last week, one of my student workers had an incident at her other job (a daycare) in which a 3 year old cut into one of her braids. It happened earlier in the week, but I didn't hear about it until Friday. I am thankful that she is comfortable enough with me to accept my offer to come over to my home and have my mom cut her hair. Having curly hair I don't trust a hair stylist easily, so I completely empathized with her hesitancy to just go anywhere to have it "fixed"...and she was so busy that she really hadn't had time to attempt finding someone. My mom has cut my hair for most of my life and has cut the hair of many of my friends over the years....I was so glad to be able to help her and so very thankful that my mother is so good-natured about me offering her services and then going home to tell her what I've signed her up for!!!!
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